Very Creative in the cake presentation and taste good too! Well done!
Edison Ng
Say Love, Say Cakes!!
Say Love, Say Cakes!!
A cake done with all the love feeling from Andies!!
Fully satisfaction!!
Alice Tan
Customisable Cake
They customize cake for me! Love it! Will order more in future!
Lee Pei
The outcome was awesome
The service provided to us was excellent and the quality of the cake was extremely delicious....the outcome was awesome! beyond my expectation...
Roobini Obby
1st choice for me!
Creative, passion and create happiness and love... say cakes is the 1st choice for me whenever I think of customize cakes and birthday cakes
Yee Kai
Fell in Love
I fall in love with your cheese cake. Thanks for the quality ingredients and tastefully serving, wish your brand and passion could inspires more cake lovers!
哪怕是负面还是正面的,你都必须从所有经验中学习。通过培训,继续学习,旅游,烹饪书或互联网来不断地磨练自己。 你必须记住,如果没有定期削尖的话,即使最锋利的刀子也会变得平淡无光。祝大家好运,努力向上~ 🤗 You must learn from all of your experiences, positive and negative. You must...