Bread & Bun Business Baking Class  面包与包子商业课程上课图

上课的时候不轻松,揉面需要体力,但是掌握技巧之后就会发现,手工揉面比机器揉面还是要快一些。 每款面包,老师都会做示范之后,就是让学员自己操作。揉好面团之后,老师要检查出膜状态,以及教会学生如何判断状态是否可以。

It’s never easy, you can become tired kneading dough, but once you master the skills, you will notice that hand kneading is actually faster than using kneading machine. The teacher will always first demonstrate each bread making process before allowing the students to operate on their own. After kneading the dough, the teacher will check the dough and teach the student how to judge if the dough is properly kneaded.