+6014-316 8078 inquiry@saycakes.com
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– NEWS –

Largest Wedding Cake In Penang
💪🏻Done by Say Cakes Team and Students💪🏻 22 peoples 8 hours 100 pound cream 230...
Say Cakes Logo
是改变的时候了,随着产品和服务的升级,我们需要一个新的LOGO来表达自己! It's time for change! As we improve, we need a new logo to represent...
Good luck and work hard.
哪怕是负面还是正面的,你都必须从所有经验中学习。通过培训,继续学习,旅游,烹饪书或互联网来不断地磨练自己。 你必须记住,如果没有定期削尖的话,即使最锋利的刀子也会变得平淡无光。祝大家好运,努力向上~ 🤗 You must learn from all of your experiences, positive and negative. You must...


Team Building Program

Team Building Program

Bread & Bun Business Baking Class

Bread & Bun Business Baking Class

Baking Class Graduation

Baking Class Graduation